Thursday, April 29, 2010

Big Baby Kenny blog removed by owner :-(

I must admit I liked the Big Baby Kenny blog because it covered areas of the Thai nightlife scene that I didn't know much about such as Bangkok and the G-Club coyote girl scene ( all I really know about is the Pattaya bar and Pattaya girl scene ). Sadly the owner Kenny got into a little war with another blog and bar operation based in Bangkok that I had never even heard of until finding his site. It ended up with Kenny's enemies contacting his employer and possibly the US press about  Kenny's blog. Kenny was a University economics lecturer in California and being very politically correct they and the press were obviously not keen on his P4P blog. Kenny took the blog down when his picture and other details from the blog were in several US newspapers. Turns out Kenny was Asian which explained his success in many of the Bangkok venues where most foreigners don't fair well action wise.

The one thing I found funny about the Big Baby Kenny blog was his photos, most of which were very blurry and taken in low light without use of the flash, while at the same time he would describe them as "wedding photo quality" ( whateer that was supposed to mean ). He did post the odd good shot I presume taken at his condo with a set of strobes but his work in the field really wasn't that good despite having a very good set of equipment to use.

1 comment:

  1. I got my rolling stones tshirt from a little market place in scotland, but i saw some on ebay?! ;D



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